Start Your Spring Cleaning With HVAC Maintenance

Spring cleaning is an important task for many Folly Beach, South Carolina, residents, but did you know your HVAC also needs attention this time of year? Most of these chores only take a few minutes, but they’re essential for keeping your HVAC system healthy and efficient no matter the season.

Clean the Vents and Registers

Dust and debris build up in your home’s nooks and crannies, and this is especially the case in air vents and floor registers. Despite playing a crucial role in maximizing airflow from the HVAC system, vents and registers often go unnoticed, resulting in clogs. Part of your springtime cleaning routine should include vacuuming and wiping down every vent and register in the house.

For a deeper clean, unscrew the vents and place them in hot soapy water. Use a sponge or brush to scrub away any dirt or rust, then allow them to dry before reinstalling them. If you can’t remove an air vent, use the vacuum hose to loosen debris and then cover a butter knife with a duster rag. This will allow you to maneuver the rag into those tight spaces.

Clean the Exterior AC Unit

Your outdoor air conditioner unit puts up with weather fluctuations, overgrown vegetation, and windblown debris. Even if you’ve covered the exterior condenser unit over the winter, make sure it’s ready to go for the cooling season with a thorough cleaning.

To clean the AC unit, make sure the power is turned off to the outdoor condenser. Carefully vacuum the fins with a soft brush attachment and remove any yard waste within two feet of the unit. You should also trim any shrubs and pull pesky weeds that could create airflow problems. If you suspect the unit may have more serious clogs, leaks, or loose parts, don’t attempt to fix the issue yourself. Call an HVAC technician right away.

Don’t put off your spring cleaning and HVAC maintenance, Call AC Heating and Air Conditioning Services to schedule a spring tuneup today.

Image provided by Bigstock

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