4 Signs You Should Replace Your Thermostat in Ladson, SC

A thermostat acts as a link to your HVAC system, and it should be inspected periodically to ensure that it is working correctly. Discussed below are four signs that you may need to replace your thermostat in Ladson, SC.

Increased Energy Bills

If you haven’t installed any new high-use electrical system in your home and your monthly utility bill looks higher than usual, your control might be the problem. A thermostat that doesn’t give correct temperature readings will cause your HVAC system to overwork to deliver the desired room temperatures.

An HVAC system that cycles for longer hours consumes more energy than it should. A professional HVAC technician will inspect your thermostat and advise you on whether you should replace it.

Old and Outdated Thermostat

Thanks to the advancements in technology, manufacturers are continuously releasing new thermostats in the market. Most controls have a lifespan of around 10 years.

You should, therefore, replace an old, non-programmable control with a new, more advanced smart thermostat. The latter control have improved features that give you more programming options. You can also remotely control the thermostat through a Wi-Fi-enabled app that gives you complete control over the HVAC system.

The HVAC System Short Cycles

Short cycling refers to the situation in which the HVAC system fails to complete a full heating and cooling cycle, thus, shutting off earlier than needed. You should consider replacing your control if short cycling is happening.

The Thermostat Doesn’t Respond to Changed Settings

The control should respond to any slight temperature changes that you make. There’ll be a slight clicking sound when you change the temperature readings before the HVAC system turns on.

You should contact your HVAC technician if you don’t hear this sound or if your HVAC system doesn’t turn on shortly after you make the changes. The technician will diagnose the control and inform you if it needs replacement. If you reside in Ladson, SC, contact our technicians at AC Heating and Air Conditioning Services for all your thermostat installation and HVAC service needs.

Image provided by iStock

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