8 Ways to Make Your Home More Comfortable This Spring

As spring is approaching Daniel Island, South Carolina, now is a good time to prepare for the warm weather. To help lower electricity bills and expensive equipment repairs, it is important to take up certain maintenance activities, like cleaning, weatherstripping, checking on electrical wiring, prepping your equipment, improving the indoor air quality, and possibly installing a dehumidifier. These activities will make your home comfortable without costing much money.

Clear Up the Clutter

Spring is a good time to free your home space of all that unwanted stuff. Consider donating things to charity and needy people as a means of uncluttering your home. Reorganize the closet with summer clothes and accessories while storing away winter sweaters, boots, gloves, and jackets. Make sure your swimming pool is clean and hygienic, since you’ll be using it more often now. General cleaning like dusting the ceiling fans, light fixtures, and entertainment centers, vacuuming the floor, and wiping up doors and windows is essential to get rid of accumulated dust and grime.

Add Weatherstripping

Weatherstripping is a process of sealing the openings of doors and windows to prevent the outside air from getting inside your home and vice versa. It is helpful in winter as well as in spring and summer. During spring, it prevents the cool indoor air from escaping and helps the air conditioner to cool your home faster.

Get Your Air Conditioner Ready

Since the temperature can be changeable from cold to warm in spring, it’s important to keep your cooling system in good health. Turning on and off your AC system several times a day may require early repairs. In order to keep the system working at peak efficiency, you should call in a professional to inspect and service it. If your system is too old and highly inefficient, you may want to install a new one to increase the comfort level and reduce the operational cost.

Improve the Indoor Air Quality

When the summer temperature gets high, the air inside your home becomes uncomfortable and deteriorates in quality. Smoke, fumes, and volatile organic compounds (VOC) pollute the indoor air. Devices like water heaters, ovens, and stoves release various gases into the air. Pet dander, dust, and mites become airborne allergens. Due to this, the indoor air often becomes more harmful than the outdoor air. Installing mechanical ventilators and air purifiers can help improve the indoor air quality.

Install a Dehumidifier

Higher levels of moisture in the air add to the discomfort of higher temperatures in spring and summer. Moisture also promotes mold growth and causes damage to your property. Installing a whole-home dehumidifier helps your air conditioner work more efficiently without extra effort to remove the humidity. Make sure you turn off the dehumidifier while you sleep to avoid drying out your skin.

Check Your Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans offer an affordable way to cool your home during the spring season. You should buy a fan based upon the size of your room and height of the ceiling. Check the installed ceiling fans to ensure that they are working properly, especially if you didn’t use them in the preceding winter season. Set them to rotate counterclockwise so that the warm air moves up toward the ceiling, giving way to cooler air on the floor.

Keep a Watch on Electrical Wiring

Check the electrical wires and panel for any loose connection, wear and tear, and damaged insulation to avoid fire hazards and equipment failure. Install a safety cover for shock protection. It’s always advisable to call in an electrician to handle the electrical issues since doing it on your own, without proper experience, can be dangerous.

Grow Trees Around Your Home

Spring is the best time to grow plants and fulfill your gardening hobby. Consider planting trees around your home that will grow quickly to block direct sunlight from the rooms. This will go a long way in keeping your home cool and comfortable.

Contact the experts at AC Heating and Air Conditioning Services to schedule a spring tune-up for your air conditioning. Call (843) 277-9928 to book an appointment.

Image provided by Bigstock

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