7 Most Common Reasons for AC Repairs

During the hot months, your HVAC system plays a significant role as it helps maintain an optimal and comfortable temperature. Without proper maintenance, issues can arise, which might leave the AC in your home in Charleston, SC, struggling. Here are seven of the most common reasons for AC repairs to your HVAC system.

1. Refrigerant Leaks

If your HVAC system is low on refrigerant, it could be either as a result of leaks or because of undercharging during installation. If your system has a leak, adding refrigerant may not be an appropriate solution. The leak will need to be fixed and then the system can be recharged.
An experienced technician will determine if the leak is fixable.

That is why you need to find a professional HVAC technician to help. A trained technician will identify the issue and fix any leaks as well as charge the AC with the appropriate amount of refrigerant. To achieve peak efficiency, keep in mind that your system’s refrigerant shouldn’t be either undercharged or overcharged.

2. Outdoor Fan Problems

The primary function of the outdoor fan is to disburse heat from inside your house to the outside. A faulty outdoor fan can prevent efficient heat transfer. A lack of heat transfer will affect the cooling ability of your system and affect your system’s efficiency.

3. Sensor Issues

Some systems have a built-in thermostat sensor. If the sensor is not functioning the way it should, it might not be able to measure the air entering the evaporator coils correctly.

Ideally, the sensor should be close to the coil but not in contact with it. A trained technician can help check your system and adjust the sensor’s position.

4. Corrosion

When wires combine with moisture, corrosion can happen. Corrosion affects terminals and wires related to your AC system, and this will make your AC turn on and off.

Typically, corrosion makes your AC struggle to achieve its optimal functionality. It might also lead to your system coming to a complete stop.

5. Clogged Drains

During normal functioning, your air conditioner removes moisture from the air that needs to go somewhere. The condenses water should travel via a drain line into the pan and eventually down a pipe that drains outside of your home.

If the pan is full or the drain clogged, the condensation can accumulate in the drain pan and overflow to damage a floor, ceiling and stop your AC system from cooling.

6. Frozen Evaporator Coils

Your system’s evaporator coils are responsible for capturing heat from the air. For proper heat flow, the coils require warm air moving around them. If the evaporator coils get extremely cold for whatever reason, something wrong might be happening to the airflow.

Too much cold on the coils can create a layer of ice on the outside of the coils. Frozen air coils can result in the transfer of warm air or very little air from the supply registers.

7. Dirt and Debris

Every part of your AC system must be clean for it to function the right way. Evaporator coils, air filters and electric panels must be free from dirt and debris. Too much dust and dirt coating specific areas of your system can reduce your system’s efficiency as well as pump allergens and dust into your home.

When your system is not working at its peak efficiency, you might not achieve your intended home comfort. On the other hand, allergens can cause severe health issues for you and your family. It’s important to keep all of the system’s components clean to ensure it is functioning correctly.

Your home’s comfort is important, and that is why we strive to provide top-quality repairs to ensure your AC system is performing effectively and efficiently. Our technicians are not only highly trained but also certified to provide comprehensive AC system repairs. Call AC Heating and Air Conditioning Services today for all your HVAC repairs and maintenance needs.

Image provided by iStock

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